5. Description of the parameters in PION parameter files

PION is controlled mainly by a parameter file that sets what kind of initial conditions to set up, what equations to use, the properties of the computational grid, source terms such as stellar wind, and numerical parameters specifying the integration scheme. The parameter file is ASCII text and each line should contain a key and its value, separated by whitespace. String values should be input as normal text, floating-point numbers in format 1.2345 or 1.2345e-67 (PION defaults to run in double precision). Unless otherwise stated, physical quantities should be input in CGS units, magnetic field in Gauss. Comment lines that begin with # are ignored. Some parameters are required and some are optional; for optional parameters PION will fall back to default values for any parameters that are not given. The parameters are described in more detail below.

5.1. Initial Conditions Generator

There are a number of different problems that can be set up with PION, with source files located in source/ics/. The parameter ics determines which problem is set up, with the following options:

Problem (key value) Location of source file Brief description
1Dto2D read_1Dto2D.cpp Read 1D snapshot and map to 2D or 3D grid
Advection basic_tests.cpp Sets up advection of an overdense clump
BlastWave blast_wave.cpp Set up supernova blastwave problems
DivBPeak basic_tests.cpp Sets up a uniform medium with a peak in \(\nabla\cdot\mathbf{B}\)
DoubleMachRef basic_tests.cpp The Double Mach-Reflection test
FieldLoop basic_tests.cpp Advection of a magnetic field loop
Jet jet.cpp Sets up 2D axisymmetric jet or 3D jet
KelvinHelmholtz basic_tests.cpp Set up Kelvin-Helmholtz instability test
LaserAblationAxi laser_ablation.cpp Set up a HEDP laser ablation test calc
LiskaWendroffImplosion basic_tests.cpp The Liska and Wendroff implosion test
OrszagTang basic_tests.cpp The 2D Orszag-Tang Vortex test
PE_MC_FN or PE_MC_FM photoevaporating_multiclumps.cpp Set up photoevaporation of dense clouds
PhotoEvaporatingClump photoevaporating_clump.cpp Sets up photoevaporation of dense cloud
PhotEvap_RandomClumps photoevaporating_random_clumps.cpp Set up photoevaporation of randomly placed dense clouds
RadiativeShock radiative_shock.cpp Sets up 1D or 2D radiative shock test
ShockCloud shock_cloud.cpp Set up shock-cloud interaction problems
Uniform basic_tests.cpp Sets up a uniform medium

Each of these types of initial-condition generator has some distinct parameters that should be set in the parameter file (discussed in more detail below).

5.2. General Parameters

5.2.1. Integration Scheme

Some required parameters set the coordinate system, equations to be solved, accuracy of the solution, etc.

Parameter Type Units Description
ndim integer none Number of spatial dimensions to simulate
coordinates string none Geometry. 1D: spherical, 2D: cylindrical/cartesian, 3D: cartesian
eqn string none System of equations to solve: euler, mhd, glm-mhd
GAMMA double none adiabatic index of the gas (usually 5/3=1.66666666666667)
solver integer none Which flux solver to use (see above for options)
OrderOfAccSpace integer none spatial order of accuracy: 1 = piecewise constant; 2 = piecewise linear
OrderOfAccTime integer none temporal order of accurasy: 1 = 1st order piecewise constant; 2 = 2nd order, piecewise linear
CFL double none Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number (<1 1D, <0.5 2D, <0.33 3D)
ArtificialViscosity integer none 0=no AV, 1=Falle+(1998) AV, 3=Sanders+(1998) H-correction H-correction only works with some solvers.
EtaViscosity double none Viscosity parameter for Falle+(1998) AV, in range [0,1], default value is 0.15.

There are three different types of equations that can be set up:

  • Euler equations: the inviscid equations of hydrodynamics.
  • Ideal MHD equations: magnetohydrodynamics, only usable in 1D because there is no scheme for dealing with DivB errors.
  • GLM-MHD equations: magnetohydrodynamics plus the Dedner et al. (2002) divergence cleaning mechanism for mitigating DivB errors.

There are a number of different flux solvers that can be used, with different levels of robustness and accuracy:

Available solvers:

  • Euler: 0 = Lax-Friedrichs, 1 = linear, 2 = exact (slow), 3 = linear+exact hybrid, 4 = Roe conserved variables, 6 = Flux-vector splitting, 8 = HLL, 9 = Roe+HLL hybrid)
  • MHD: 0 = Lax-Friedrichs, 1 = linear, 4 = Roe conserved variables, 7 = HLLD+HLL hybrid, 8 = HLL


  • Recommended solver for the Euler equations is 9, and for the MHD equations is 7.
  • GAMMA should be in the range (1,2)
  • Spatial and temporal order of accuracy may both be set to 1 or 2, but they should be the same as each other. 2nd-order scheme is better.
  • The CFL parameter for an unsplit scheme should be <1/ndim
  • Cartesian coordinate system is available in 1D,2D,3D.
  • Cylindrical coordinates are only available in 2D \((z,R)\) with rotational symmetry in \(\theta\) direction. The radial coordinate (y axis) should begin at \(R=0\) and use an axisymmetric boundary condition.
  • Spherical coordinate system is only available in 1D, radial coordinate, with reflection symmetry at \(r=0\).

5.2.2. Computational Grid

The PION computational grid is a uniform rectilinear grid in 1, 2 or 3 spatial dimensions. Static mesh-refinement (nested grids) is implemented for the case where each refinement level has the same shape and number of cells as the coarser level above it, but the spatial resolution is a factor of 2 higher and so the grid covers 1/2 of the domain of the coarser grid in each dimension. The focus of the nested grid can be at the centre of the domain, the negative boundary or the positive boundary for each dimension. The number of refinement levels is in principle unlimited, but snapshots can only be written every coarse timestep and this imposes a practical limit: for 10 grid levels there are 512 finest-level timesteps per coarsest-level step, and one may wish to save a snapshot at least this often. The coarsest level is denoted level 0, and each refined level has a higher level number.

The parameters are:

Parameter Type Units Description
NGridX integer none Number of grid points in \(\hat{x}\)-direction
NGridY integer none Number of grid points in \(\hat{y}\)-direction
NGridZ integer none Number of grid points in \(\hat{z}\)-direction
Xmin double cm negative boundary in \(\hat{x}\)-direction (level 0)
Ymin double cm negative boundary in \(\hat{y}\)-direction (level 0)
Zmin double cm negative boundary in \(\hat{z}\)-direction (level 0)
Xmax double cm positive boundary in \(\hat{x}\)-direction (level 0)
Ymax double cm positive boundary in \(\hat{y}\)-direction (level 0)
Zmax double cm positive boundary in \(\hat{z}\)-direction (level 0)
grid_nlevels integer none Number of grid levels for static mesh-refinement (>=1)
grid_aspect_ratio_XX integer none Aspect ratio of grid in each dimension
grid_aspect_ratio_YY integer none Aspect ratio of grid in each dimension
grid_aspect_ratio_ZZ integer none Aspect ratio of grid in each dimension
NG_centre_XX double cm focus of nested grid refinement in X
NG_centre_YY double cm focus of nested grid refinement in Y
NG_centre_ZZ double cm focus of nested grid refinement in Z
NG_refine_XX integer none refine in x-direction? (1==yes)
NG_refine_YY integer none refine in y-direction? (1==yes)
NG_refine_ZZ integer none refine in z-direction? (1==yes)

5.2.3. Boundary Conditions

parameter name type description
BC_XN string boundary condition for negative x-direction
BC_XP string boundary condition for positive x-direction
BC_YN string boundary condition for negative y-direction
BC_YP string boundary condition for positive y-direction
BC_ZN string boundary condition for negative z-direction
BC_ZP string boundary condition for positive z-direction
BC_Ninternal integer Number of internal boundary regions (stellar wind)
BC_INTERNAL_000 string type of 1st internal boundary region (if BC_Ninternal >0)

The possible values for the boundary conditions are listed in Boundary Conditions.

5.2.4. Units

PION uses CGS units by default. There are parameters to set up a system of units, but currently they do not do anything. Internally PION solves the MHD equations in units such that factors of \(4\pi\) do not appear, but these are rescaled by \(\sqrt{4\pi}\) on reading from and writing to snapshots, and so the snapshots have magnetic field units of Gauss.

parameter name type value
units string cgs
rhoval double 1.0
lenval double 1.0
velval double 1.0
magval double 1.0

5.3. Source terms

5.3.1. Radiation sources

The parameter RT_Nsources is an integer setting the number of radiation sources. Each source i, numbered from 0, has parameters of the form RT_[name]_[i] that describe the radiation field emitted.

parameter key value type description
RT_position_[i]_[n] double position of source along axis n (cm). Value >1e100 (or <-1e100) implies a source at infinity.
RT_src_type_[i] integer 1=point source (tested), 2=diffuse radiation (untested)
RT_at_infty_[i] integer 1: source is at infinity, 0: point source obeying inverse square law
RT_update___[i] integer 1: use C2-ray update (Mellema+2006); 2: use Mackey(2012) update; 2 is recommended - 1 may be broken.
RT_effect___[i] integer 1: UV heating, 2: monochromatic photoionizing field, 3: multifrequency photoionization (switch to 5 in next release UPDATE CODES!).
RT_Tau_src__[i] integer set to 10 so that the opacity in a cell is calculated by the microphysics module. Other options are being deprecated.
RT_Tau_var__[i] integer unused if RT_Tau_src is set to 10. Other options deprecated.
RT_Nbins____[i] integer Number of energy bins for radiation field (set to 1 unless using MPv10)
RT_EVO_FILE_[i] string “NONE”: constant wind, or name of text file containing time evolution information.
RT_strength_[i] double luminosity in erg/s for multi-frequency source, or in photons/s for monochromatic source. For a source at infinity this is the incident flux (erg/cm2/s or photons/cm2/s). Not used for evolving source.
RT_Rstar____[i] double Stellar radius in R_sun. Not used for evolving source.
RT_Tstar____[i] double Stellar effective temperature in K. Not used for evolving source.

5.3.2. Stellar Winds

The parameter WIND_NSRC is an integer setting the number of stellar-wind sources. These are implemented as a spherical boundary region in which the fluid quantities are set according to the wind parameters for each source.

Stellar winds in PION are implemented in 3 modules: a constant wind, an evolving wind, and a latitude-dependent wind. The parameter file for a constant wind has a number of parameters that should be set, quoted below with the expected units. They are stored in these units in the SWP struct of type stellarwind_params.

Parameter Description Units/values
WIND_[i]_pos[n] Star position \(n\in[0,1,2]\) cm
WIND_[i]_velocity[n] Star velocity \(n\in[0,1,2]\) cm/s (if moving) default is 0
WIND_[i]_radius Radius of wind injection region cm
WIND_[i]_type [Constant, evolving, latitude dependent] [0,1,2]
WIND_[i]_mdot Mass-loss rate from star (dot{M}) \(\mathrm{M_{\odot}\,yr}^{-1}\)
WIND_[i]_vinf Terminal velocity of wind \(\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}\)
WIND_[i]_vrot Equatorial rotation velocity \(\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}\)
WIND_[i]_temp Effective Temperature of star, \(T_\mathrm{eff}\) K
WIND_[i]_Rstr Radius of star cm
WIND_[i]_Bstr Strength of surface magnetic field Gauss
WIND_[i]_TR[n] Value of tracer \(n\) in wind Usually \(\in [0,1]\)
WIND_[i]_evofile Text file with data for evolving wind Default is NOFILE
WIND_[i]_t_offset offset of sim time from evolution time Default is 0.0
WIND_[i]_t_scalefac scaling simulation time to evolution time Default is 1.0
WIND_[i]_updatefreq How often to update the wind seconds
WIND_[i]_enhance_mdot ad-hoc flag to increase \(\dot{M}\) Default is 0
WIND_[i]_moving is star moving? yes==1, no==0 Default is 0
WIND_[i]_acceleration is wind accelerated? yes==1, no==0 Default is 0 (inject at v_inf)

For constant winds, these data are stored in the global struct SWP, defined in pion/source/constants.h, using these units. In simulation snapshots they also have the same units. The evolving wind file should have all units in CGS.

5.3.3. Jet inflow

There is an untested module for injecting protostellar jets along the symmetry axis in 2D cylindrical simulations, or along the positive x-axis in 3D Cartesian simulations. The parameter N_JET takes an integer argument for the number of jet sources. The module worked in 2010 when it was used for testing v.1.0 of PION, but has not been used since then. If you want to know more about this, especially what extra parameters you need to include, take a look at source/ics/jet.cpp (and probably modify the source code for your needs).

5.4. Types of initial conditions that have been programmed

5.4.1. Uniform

This sets up uniform initial conditions throughout the domain in the standard mode, but it can also be used to set up a spherically symmetric medium with a constant density core and a power-lsw density profile outside the core. One may add random adiabatic noise to this initial condition by setting the parameter noise to a value between 0 and 1 (this is the fractional level of the noise with respect to background density). Parameters:

parameter key type description
UNIFORM_ambRO double gas density (g/cm3)
UNIFORM_ambPG double gas pressure (dyne/cm2)
UNIFORM_ambVX double x-velocity (cm/s)
UNIFORM_ambVY double y-velocity (cm/s)
UNIFORM_ambVZ double z-velocity (cm/s)
UNIFORM_ambBX double magnetic field BX (Gauss)
UNIFORM_ambBY double magnetic field BY (Gauss)
UNIFORM_ambBZ double magnetic field BZ (Gauss)
UNIFORM_ambTR[N] double initial value of tracer N
UNIFORM_radial_slope double If non-zero, this is the power-law slope of density with radius (spherically symmetric)
UNIFORM_core_radius double constant-density core radius for case with power-law density
UNIFORM_radial_velocity double expansion/contraction velocity w.r.t. origin
UNIFORM_core_centre_XX double x position of core centre
UNIFORM_core_centre_YY double y position of core centre
UNIFORM_core_centre_ZZ double z position of core centre

5.4.2. ShockCloud

Sets up a shock-cloud test problem

5.4.3. RadiativeShock

Sets up a radiative shock test, with a flow hitting a reflecting boundary.

5.4.4. PhotEvap_RandomClumps

Sets up a simulation with randomly placed clumps on a uniform ISM

5.4.5. PhotoEvaporatingClump

Sets up a simulation of a single dense clump evaporated by an ionizing radiation field.

5.4.6. PE_MC_FN or PE_MC_FM

Sets up a simulation with a fixed number of random clumps or a fixed total mass in random clumps

5.4.7. BlastWave

Sets up a blastwave test problem

5.4.8. Advection

Sets up an advection test on a periodic domain

5.4.9. DoubleMachRef

Sets up the double Mach reflection test problem.

5.4.10. OrszagTang

Sets up the Orzsag-Tang Vortex test problem

5.4.11. LiskaWendroffImplosion

Sets up the Liska and Wendroff implosion test problem.

5.4.12. KelvinHelmholtz

Sets up a KH instability test problem.

5.4.13. FieldLoop

Sets up the field-loop advection test.

5.4.14. DivBPeak

Sets up the test of how the code can deal with a peak in divB

5.4.15. Others

Not yet documented.